McHarg, S., Elders, C., & Cunneen, J. (2020). Extensional fault-related folding of the North West Shelf, Western Australia. AAPG Bulletin 104 (4), 913-938
Cunneen J., DePledge C., Lowe S., Hill K.C., Godfrey C., Buckingham A. & Farrington R. (2019). The Bight Basin, Evolution & Prospectivity I; gravity, deep seismic & basin morphology. ASEG Extended Abstracts 2019
Hill, K.C., Cunneen, J.C., & Farrington, R., (2019). The Bight Basin, Evolution & Prospectivity II: Seismic, structure and balanced sections. ASEG Extended Abstracts 2019
Farrington R., Beucher R., Hill K.C. and Cunneen J. (2019). The Bight Basin, Evolution & Prospectivity III; Underworld Finite Element modelling, maturity & migration. ASEG Extended Abstracts 2019
Cunneen, J., Buckingham, A., and D’Ercole, C. (2019). Rift initiation on Australia’s Southern Margin: insights from the Bremer Sub-basin. ASEG Extended Abstracts 2019
Rohead-O’Brien, H., Elders, C., and Cunneen, J. (In press). The variation of Mesozoic rift impact on the Exmouth Plateau and the depositional response. In: Keep, M. & Moss, S.J. (Eds), 2019, The Sedimentary Basins of Western Australia V: Proceedings of the Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia Symposium, Perth, 2019.
S McHarg, C Elders, J Cunneen, (2019). Normal fault linkage and reactivation, Dampier Sub-basin, Western Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 66 (2): 209-225.
S McHarg, C Elders, J Cunneen (2018). The origin of basin-scale syn-extensional synclines on the southern margin of the Northern Carnarvon Basin. Journal of the Geological Society 176 (1), 115-128
J Cunneen, C Grigg, E Keating (2017). Evolution of the outer basin high, Ceduna Sub-basin, southern Australia. The APPEA Journal 57 (2), 722-725
J Cunneen, F Pym, C Elders, (2016). Basement influences on structural styles in the Bremer and Eyre Sub-Basins, southern Australia. ASEG Extended Abstracts 2016 (1), 1-3
Cunneen, J., Crowe, W., and Peters, G., (2015). Using potential field data to map salt distribution in the Western Officer Basin, Western Australia. ASEG-PESA conference abstracts
Cunneen, J., Crowe, W., and Peters, G., (2014). Cenozoic salt tectonics in the Officer Basin, Western Australia: implications for hydrocarbon exploration. APPEA Journal 56 (2)
Harrowfield, M., Cunneen, J., Keep, M., Crowe, W. (2003). Early-stage orogenesis in the Timor Sea region, NW Australia. Journal of the Geological Society of London, 160, 991-1001.